Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Diagnosis and Recovery Sequence

Summer 1994
Shigellosis (intestinal parasite) and antibiotic treatment.
Gradual onset of symptoms. Stressful working and home life.
Late October 1995 Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia. Refusal of antidepressants and sleeping aides.
Struggle to “live with it”: flash in eye, constant muscle/bone pain, lump in sternum, Raynaud’s attacks, “burning” toes and fingers, exhaustion, beathlessness, interrupted sleep, TMJ, carpel tunnel syndrome in both hands, daily diarrhea and intestinal upsets, general weakness, skin sensitivity, painful pressure points, lumpiness in arms and legs, gurggling in esophagus, extremely low platelet count, low grade headaches, no respite from medications. Edema, back pains, numbness in hands, intolerance for light/noise/cold. Extreme stiffness in mornings. Stress test in normal range, no other blood anomalies, normal vitals.
Dec. 1995 Increasing symptom severity
Late Jan. 1996 Determination to overcome health problems
Feb. 1996 Begin diet control, daily exercise, meditation, de-stress, weekly massage and study on my own. Keeping daily health log. No energy for FMS support group.
March 1996 Initial improvements
April 1996 Change doctors. Problem with platelets. Frustration with medical establishment. Minor improvement.
July 1996 Platelet problem “cured” with diet change.
August 1996 Surgery for carpel tunnel in right hand. Stop hormone replacement therapy.
January 1997 Begin work with Naturopathic doctor to improve intestinal health.
Begin working through Cappachione’s book.
Summer 1997 Better. Not good though.
Nov 1 to April 98 Leave of absence. Better, not good enough. Resigned position.
June 98-June 99 Complete rest. End of pain in extremities with elimination of all wheat.
April 1999 Began NAET treatments for allergies, and chiropractic adjustments. Many more allergies than I had known about.
Nov. 1999 End of Raynaud’s attacks. All symptoms now minimal.
Aug. 2001 Return to full employment.
Nov. 2001 Mild return of fatigue and wrist pains.
Dec. 2001 Last silver/mercury filling replaced with gold.
Present No symptoms. Intolerance continues for milk products, corn, some pollens.

Maintain less stressful lifestyle, healthy diet and exercise routines.

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